vineri, 28 ianuarie 2011

[ROM] void. (#d,modules) | devoid. (#z,minimalist) - updated with addons!

[ROM] void. (#d,modules) | devoid. (#z,minimalist) - updated with addons!

Important: if you're updating, re-read everything again.

After Megatron (2.2, performance) and Prime (2.2.1, stability), I figured it was time for something different.
And so, void was born.

thread #1: outline
thread #2: changelog and features
thread #3: downloads, intructions, faq and known issues
thread #4: devoid: outline, features, download and instructions


Before anything, this ROM isn't the walk in the park as the others I've made or probably any other you might have tried.
So, please take your time to thoroughly read all the instructions and notes regarding its peculiar system.

The concept of void. lays on two paradoxical premisses:

  • Highly customizable modular architecture
  • Minimalist, yet elegant, presentation

A modular architecture made sense from the moment I saw very different requests in the threads of Megatron and Prime; while some requested apps2sd, some others didn't. Some wanted a custom kernel so they could overclock whilst some others were fine with the stock one, and so on. A modular architecture is a try (I don't promise I will succeed) at pleasing everyone. In a way, each one of you will be able to choose your own features @ void.

However, the base is no less important. Void's core is stripped of most applications, widgets and along with its pure black theme, I couldn't think of a name for the ROM other than precisely just: void. I've also picked 2.2 for this. It's faster and as stable as 2.2.1 (since it didn't fix the SDcard unmounts).


first and current version

skipped due to the bad karma of "beta version"

current version, read below

= #charlie + some adjustments (deleted vm heap tool, added load monitor, fixed setcpu and terminal fc, changed wifi,gps,etc icons background color to black, added voice search and google search (+search key shortcut) to gapps).

(note: I picked letters and their codenames instead of numbers to catalog the different versions; their name don't reflect the usual meaning of release candidates)


Now what you have been waiting.

Unlike void. #alpha, the current version #charlie will not be made of several .zips with each module. Instead, it will be everything included on void. and the customization will take place through the creation/deletion of folders in the following directory on the sdcard:


But let's first see the features of base and each module. I'll give examples later and very important information in the end of this post.
(red color means added in #charlie)

void. (mandatory)

  • root + superuser + busybox
  • APKs: deodexed, zipaglined, png-optimized
  • Build.prop tweaked: JIT, HW:A, VM.HS
  • Stock kernel clocked at 600Mhz / ondemand governor
  • Kernel repacked in order to accept onboot tweaks
  • Extended APNs (won't cover the whole globe but won't be far)
  • Patched hosts file (will block ads as it slows down the system; however, if you like an application, always remember to support the author by donating or buying the full version)
  • Applications removed: almost every single one (too many to be named, but keep reading, I'll cover this soon)
  • Applications added: launcherPro, file manager, doubletwist (replaces music/video player) and missed message flasher (incl/ my settings)
  • Replaced LauncherPro by Zeam, deleted Doubletwist and MMF.
  • Same music and gallery application as Megatron
  • Gingerbread keyboard as default (+langs)
  • Disabled HW:A and SF by default.
  • Browser and GPS tweaks.
  • Different base theme - check attachments.
  • Modules system redesigned.

So as you can see, void's basic module is heavily unbranded (even of google applications), you will basically only have what you need to run Android and the Market. Mind you, it's already fast and stable as hell but way too simple for me. Might suit some tastes though.

void. gingerbread-module (optional)
  • Gingerbread theme - check attachments
  • Zeam launcher replaced by Gingerbread's one - check attachments

Name of the folder to create: gingerbread

If you wish to flash gingerbread module, create this folder in void/settings @sdcard. Reboot. Wait patiently. There you go.
If you wish to revert back to base theme, just delete the folder and reboot.

void. kernel-module (optional)
  • Based on the source released by drellisdee and AnyKernel Updater by Koush (buy them cookies)
  • Recompiled it in order to accept intermediate frequencies
  • Will be clocked at 710Mhz / interactive governor as default (recommended)

Name of the folder to create: kernel

Again, create this folder in void/settings @sdcard and you'll get a nice boost.
If you wish to revert back to the stock settings, delete the folder and reboot.

void. a2sd/d2sd-module (optional)
  • Based on DarkTremor's a2sd script
  • Will not only do a2sd but also move the dalvik-cache to the SDcard through an init script I've written

Name of the folder to create: a2sd

Create the folder in void/settings/ @sdcard and reboot.
There is no way to go back, even if you delete the folder.

While this is a handy feature and greatly appreciated by some, I don't recommend it to those who have a SDcard with a class lesser than 4 (bench it with h2wtest) or to those who have frequent SDcards unmounts since it will forcefully make you reboot your device if you want your applications back. Or of course, to those who don't use SDcard.

void. gapps-module (optional)
  • Includes what I think are the essential google applications:
  • Browser, Calculator, Calendar, CarHome
  • Google Talk, Music player, Movie player, Soundrecorder, Youtube
  • Navigation, Google Maps, Google Reader and Gmail
  • Voice search, Google search (+search key shortcut)

Name of the folder to create: gapps

Create the folder in void/settings/ @sdcard and reboot.
There is no way to go back, even if you delete the folder. Only option is to uninstall each application (you'll need a rooted uninstaller).

P.S. Goggles was removed due to FC issues, install it from Market.

void. tapps-module (optional)
  • Includes some handy applications to tweak your system:
  • Spare Parts: checks battery usage, allows automatic brightness, etc.
  • Watchdog Lite: checks if any application installed goes berserk and starts draining the CPU or battery
  • CacheCleaner: deletes useless trash from your internal memory and sdcard
  • FastReboot: simulates a reboot by closing/restarting all core and user processes and thus frees up memory
  • Terminal: lets you access your Android's built-in Linux command line shell
  • SetCPU: allows to mess with CPU's clock, governor, etc
  • Titanium Backup: allows you to root-uninstall unwanted applications, backup&restore, etc
  • VM Heap Tool: allows you to change the VM Heap Size (recommended: 24 or 32)

Name of the folder to create: tapps

Same proceeding, create folder in void/settings/ @sdcard and reboot.
There is no way to go back, even if you delete the folder. Only option is to uninstall each application (you'll need a rooted uninstaller).

I also advise Load Monitor.
And by the way, VM Heap Tool might not work at first.

void. sf/hwa-module (optional)
  • Allows you to enable or disable stagefright (disabled as default)
  • Allows you to enable or disable hardware acceleration (disabled as default)

Name of the folder to create: hwacc
Name of the folder to create: stagefright

Hardware acceleration
+: GUI will be snappier since it's rendered by GPU
-: Reports of eating battery
Enable it by creating the folder and reboot, disable by deleting it and rebooting.

+: Boost quadrant values, good for comparison purposes (no increase in performance)
-: Media playback problems
Enable it by creating the folder and reboot, disable by deleting it and rebooting.

void. blink-module (optional)
  • Will flash the physical buttons when you receive a message

Name of the folder to create: blink

Create the folder to enable it, delete to disable, reboot, etcetc.
(always in void/settings/ @sdcard)

void. gpsfix-module (optional)
  • Will reset the stock GPS settings

Name of the folder to create: gpsfix

I've messed around a bit with the GPS settings in #charlie.
Although it works nice and faster for me, it might not for you. So if you have problems, just create this folder in void/settings/ @sdcard and it will fix it.


void. sapps-addon (optional)
  • Will flash back every deleted system app

Download: download

Or you can pick only some, to do this, read FAQ @ thread #4.
This will have to be made through custom recovery and after one clean boot.

void. config.file-addon (optional)
  • Allows you to use a config file instead of folders in order to manage your modules!

Download: Instructions and download

credits: The_ERROR
Be sure to thank him for his awesome job!

void. (optional)
  • Allows you to change the theme of your messaging app to black!

Download: Download

1 - Reboot in recovery
2 - Enable USB toggle and copy the zip to your sdcard. Untoggle.
3 - Flash the zip, reboot.
4 - Open messaging application, click menu > settings. Choose Black background. Exit.
(Color scheme will be weird, to fix do this: )
5 - Go to applications manager
6 - Choose the messaging application and choose "force stop" to kill the application.
7 - Run Messaging again, it should now be in black.

Check here for screenshots.
Instructions for ADB here. (thanks badeaioan)


Remember, the folders must always be in /void/settings.
So, do not delete /void/ from your sdcard, or /void/resources/ or /void/checker/.

You'll find these folders on the root of your microSD.

How to create a folder?

You have 3 ways for this:

a) Use the FileManager included
1. Run FileManager
2. It'll open default in the sdcard directory
3. Navigate to /void/settings/
4. Create folders (attention: each time you create a folder, you'll go inside it)
5. Reboot

b) USB connect to your PC then same proceeding before.
c) Go to the custom recovery and same proceeding before.

The reboot after creating a folder will take some time and it will seem like it's in a boot loop.

For example, I flash void. on my Optimus, I boot it the first time, afterwards open file manager and create:
Kernel, gapps, gingerbread, a2sd, and blink.
Then reboot.

This boot, immediately after creating the folders, will take ~5 minutes.

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